College Application Webinars

The Dunbar Team | 06/27/2024

Welcome to the heat of summer and summer applications! Caroline Brokaw Tucker will be hosting two webinars for rising seniors starting to work on their college applications. Please join us …

Planning for Summer 2024

The Dunbar Team | 12/01/2023

Believe it or not, now is a good time to think about SUMMER plans, especially if you are interested a summer enrichment or research program with an early deadline (as …

Hats off to the Class of 2023!

The Dunbar Team | 07/07/2023

Looking Back on the 2023 Admissions Season This is the time of year when the Dunbar team gathers to reflect and discuss the past admissions cycle. As we celebrate our …

Read More!

The Dunbar Team | 06/10/2023

Whatever your high school curriculum, reading beyond school assignments is extremely important, especially material that is related to a subject or subjects you are studying (or that simply interests you!). …

Learning More About Colleges Virtually

The Dunbar Team | 07/01/2022

When COVID closed campuses and travel restrictions prevented high school students from visiting campuses in person, colleges quickly adapted, increasing the number and quality of online admissions events and campus …

Class of 2022: Making the Most of College

The Dunbar Team | 06/01/2022

Getting into college is not the end; it’s the next step in educating yourself and preparing for a productive and successful career. Make the most of your college experience and …