Dunbar News
Hats off to the Class of 2023!
The Dunbar Team | 07/07/2023
Looking Back on the 2023 Admissions Season This is the time of year when the Dunbar team gathers to reflect and discuss the past admissions cycle. As we celebrate our …
Read More!
The Dunbar Team | 06/10/2023
Whatever your high school curriculum, reading beyond school assignments is extremely important, especially material that is related to a subject or subjects you are studying (or that simply interests you!). …
Advice I’d Give my Younger Self
The Dunbar Team | 05/15/2023
Collectively, the Dunbar team probably has about 100 years of experience guiding students through the college application process. That being said, we are always learning! We recently decided to turn …
Summer Ideas
The Dunbar Team | 04/15/2023
With spring suddenly here, it is time to think about the end of the school year and beginning of SUMMER. Now is the time to develop a good plan for …
How to Handle Being Placed on a Waitlist
The Dunbar Team | 03/20/2023
Did you ever wonder about the math behind college admissions? There is actually a term known as “yield” which is the percentage of accepted students who, in return, say “yes” …
Webinar: College Admissions 101
The Dunbar Team | 03/15/2023
Please join Caroline Brokaw Tucker and Sarah White of Dunbar Educational Consultants for our COLLEGE ADMISSIONS 101 WEBINAR: THE PATH THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL Wednesday, March 15th at 8:00 PM ET …
Tips For Making Good Curricular Choices
The Dunbar Team | 02/15/2023
February and March mark the time of year when high school students begin to plan their academic programs for the following year. These decisions are particularly significant because the single …
The SAT is Going Digital!
The Dunbar Team | 01/20/2023
Put DOWN your #2 pencils…the SAT is going digital! Like most assessment measures, the SAT has changed over the years. The newest—and some might argue—most noteworthy change is that the …
Deferred? Don’t be discouraged!
The Dunbar Team | 12/14/2022
In the world of college admissions, there is one decision that always — and understandably — causes a lot of confusion: the deferral. A deferral is neither an acceptance nor …
Dunbar Welcomes Nicole Busby, College Consultant
The Dunbar Team | 09/15/2022
Over the past several months, Nicole has become a valued member of our team. Nicole advises families throughout the United States with students seeking admission to college. She graduated with …